Thursday, November 4, 2010

Outboard Salvage In Arkansas

Vespa from Alaska to Cape Horn: The Journey of Hilary

Le stime iniziali erano di 70 mila chilometri, ma già ora Ilario si sta allargando e va per cifre tonde: 100 mila.

Centomila chilometri da percorrere con lei, la sua Vespa , compagna di una vita. Modello Sprint Veloce (si fa per dire, ovvio) del 1970, un Vespone verde con tocchi di bianco e di rosso, tanto per non passare inosservati.

La povera Corazzata (alias Amerigo Vespuccia) è carica come un mule - including backpack, camping kit and a few essential tool to fend for herself - but so far is doing more than its job well, despite some additive such as "that thing", "that thing". The draft

Hilary Lavarra, globetrotter twenty-eight, is the around in the saddle of the three Americas from New York to Alaska, through Canada, then down the west coast of the United States to the border with Mexico. From here, Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua. And even Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Cape Horn and up again through Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, French Guyana and Venezuela. Restart from New York, so as to close the circle. For now, Hilary, that started on 8 May, is still less than half-way: turned the U.S., Canada and reached across Alaska, is located in Central America, where he is pointing his Armor to the deep South "Mine does not is an impossible dream ", told from a cafe in Antigua Guatemala. Here's how it is developing and a few grains from the trip: envious, do not read further.

"I knew I had to do it during a trip to Turkey," recalls Hilary. "I arrived in Cappadocia, always with the Battleship and always lonely. I have tried some very deep emotions and I realized that it was time for me to do to pass what I dreamed of for years: turn around the Americas. "Said and done: after a degree in Economics, Hilary has spent the next four years to work and save as much as possible." I worked for four years in the sales of a foundry in Modena. I've minimized costs by eliminating anything that seemed superfluous. In this way I managed to put aside more than 30 000 euro: the budget I had set for departure. "

Continue reading adventure ... Hilary

Hilary's blog


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