Saturday, May 8, 2010

Difference Between Wisconson Cheddars

Giacinto Menotti Serrati in an article in the 1919 Avanti:

"Mussolini is a rabbit, a rabbit phenomenon roars. The people who see but do not know him, catch him for a lion" (1)

Serrati not imagine that would soon roar all, even the lions
"Roaring Twenties" - The Roaring Twenties - with the massive growth in production and consumption (at least in the U.S.), which will stop in 1929.

Today, 2010, only the lions roar, with one exception, highlighted by the newspaper Il Giornale. " The rabbit
referenced by the newspaper but not roaring roars.
disagree totally from this evaluation: I am convinced that the current President of the Chamber of Deputies is not a rabbit, but a real lion, born and raised in captivity and surrounded by many zealous trainers who are working to tame, but still a lion.
The defense of the prerogatives of parliament, the strict separation of powers, any claim for the counterweight function exercised by the Constitutional Court, the attempt to empty all the supervisory activities of the Government's claim to silence the critical information, warnings and admonitions have been fully legitimate and fully consistent with the function performed.
The numerous and treacherous attacks such as the lion is have been subjected to a large extent reduced the boldness, and so, the primitive roar alternated some fearful bleating, threatening to turn him into a lion bleating .
has again resorted to the chorus of the politicized judiciary, and distinctions are not always subtle, to be able to go back on the bandwagon.
With a mere seven per cent (I can think of the solution Holmesian seven per cent) of consensus within the PDL, with the total aversion of the League, with the master print that hangs on the bone, not you may risk being marginalized.
So the lion roar stopped and I fear that will not take long to jump on the bandwagon much to pack.

(1) from Venerio Cattani, Retaliation, Venezia, Marsilio, 1997 - pag. 103

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Top For Knee Length Skirts

Canto political

In 1977 Toby Lightman made the song "I will sing political", which says it will introduce political themes in his songs when his colleagues stop exploiting the attention of consumers of the disks to the political and social issues that pushes the singers to meet the tastes of the public only to make profits. So Lauzi says: "... my fellow fans fake revolution, sitting on bundles of genuine million."
The term "fake" I think he means that this opportunity may be called "colleagues" in name only but in fact, believes that as Lauzi are not real musicians, but only the profits of little musical talent. Maybe the tooth had
Lauzi poisoned by the response given by Blanche Dubois in music while his beautiful song "Woman of the South" musically very successful, but complained that Endrigo a description of immigration in the North rather mannered. "The train coming from the South", he replied, Lauzi quite explicitly that "The train coming from the southern port not only Marie's lips with coral, but" On the train coming from the southern dark men who have descended into his pocket but in the hope that they feel that this new heart, this great company, this new company will not be pretty. "
Lauzi Not that he completely wrong because they have not missed not only in the Italian song, but also in culture and information in general, artists and writers who deal with political and social issues not out of conviction but for convenience. Moreover
singers whose themes were exquisitely intimate and individual results have not always achieved artistically valid, but often, the absence of social issues was not sufficient to establish the authenticity of their products, not always inspired rhymes, but not infrequently music and rhymes, silly, or, to put Verga "Melanzio rhymes."
The panorama of the political song however was not so disingenuous as Lauzi wanted to make it appear:
Baglioni In 1972 he composed "Dear Master", which is stato dato presto l'ostracismo; nel 1974 De Gregori compone "Le storie di ieri", inserita nel 1975 nell'album "Rimmel", Claudio Lolli, "Quello lì (compagno Gramsci)".
E' pur vero che alcune canzoni incitavano all'odio di classe, come "Contessa" di Paolo Pietrangeli - " Mio caro padrone domani ti sparo" ... poi attenuato con " ... miglior vendetta sia proprio il perdono", ma nella produzione di canzoni di ispirazione politica e sociale se ne distinguono alcune di elevato valore musicale e poetico.
Un autore su tutti proprio Sergio Endrigo, che insieme al tema dell'amore, in tutte le sue varianti, canta la sua passione politica:
"Anch'io ti ricorderò" dedicata al "Che", "Perché non sleeping brother, "" The sweet country, "" Walking and singing the same song, "Letter from Cuba".
How can we forget "Rebel Music" by Eugenio Finardi, then revived by a singer "intimate" as Luca Carboni, who while not denying its inspiration individalista "recognized in full force to affect social songs the album" rebel music ", which includes some songs of protest and struggle of his fellow" true ".
The" disagreement "between Lauzi Lazarev and find a elegant composition on both: Lazarev sing, with excellent results, "Woman of the South", and Lauzi attend the evening dedicated to Lazarev, the year after his death, singing "Via Broletto.
Other times, other men of gentle soul.