Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pikachu Backpack Patterns

If most of the quotations, proverbs, aphorisms of the few on this blog are taken from literary works such as novels, poems, essays, we can not exclude references to various forms of communication, not strictly related to literature, but not less susceptible to this source of reflections and insights.

It 's the case of a rap song titled "Love and Hate," the group Mamuthones Clan. In the title above
Hate Love, but with the passing of the song the words reappear upside, love comes first I hate:

"Love, hate: there can be only one, but without all the former raderebbe ground "

We can certainly share the conviction that without love the world would be a pile of rubble only moral and material.
It could be argued that Love may very well do without hatred, without which all mankind could live in perfect peace and harmony, but the author of the piece rightly points out that the RAP existence of these feelings contrastanti ci fanno andare avanti". L'Amore, cioé, non ci viene regalato dal Buon Dio, già pronto, bello e confezionato, ma occorre conquistarselo attraverso il superamento dell'Odio.
Aggiungo che a volte occorre un pizzico d'odio, nel combattere gli egoismi e l'ingiustizia che nel passato e nel presente contraddistinguono le relazioni umane, sia quelle interpersonali che quelle tra classi sociali in lotta, o tra nazioni, ma alla ingiustizia e alla tirannia che si intende combattere, anche con un pizzico d'odio se necessario, non si deve assolutamente contrapporre una "falsa giustizia" e una "falsa democrazia", che non farebbero altro che perpetuare l'Odio oscurando l'Amore.
Se si vuole ad esempio combattere forme residual Stalinism should not be done with the concurrence of forces that are inspired by Nazism and / or neo-Nazism; vice versa if you want to fight the degenerative forms of capitalism, you should not do so by introducing methods and objectives that stifle freedom of the individual spaces.

I would not be accused of equidistance, of cerchiobottismo , ie

to give a shot at the rim and a barrel .

I just want to say that whenever it is necessary to limit the excessive power of economic forces that dominate the political and social scene, causing extensive damage to the weaker social groups such as employees, workers eternally precarious, artisans and small honest business (not all children but only fair, since it is not uncommon for small oppress most of the great), you should not engage in conduct that limit the freedom of all law abiding citizens. We hit
speculators, the legendary stock market, everyone eagerly swallows, banks, businesses ghost, moving from one side to another of the planet throwing workers onto the streets, cut off the black market and, if necessary, punish workers too overlooking the most basic safety rules, but we try to do so without stifling the freedom and, after a healthy, limited use, if necessary, hatred, back, watching, Love.

link that inspired Love the song and I hate RAP

Monday, November 30, 2009

Animal World Cup Cartoon

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Atonement Dress Pattern

The weight of justice

The following proverbs are not, strictly speaking, some are the result of processing of the authors, sometimes in the form of bitter reflection, sometimes characters are no comments characterized by a high level of culture medium, and thus more similar to the aphorisms proverbs. However all have in common membership in the theme of justice, the law and its relation to the nearest of injustice, inequality and unequal treatment in the assessment of offenses and penalties.

in Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Nigel Loring, the three companies, part one, chap. Second:
"The bag is heavier than the lower scales of justice"

in Cervantes, Don Quixote, vol. II, ch. XLII:
"If it happens that the rod of justice is curved, this will never happen to the weight of gifts, but for that of mercy" (Don Quixote)

in Agatha Christie, Appointment with Fear - Double tale clue :
"He has made a law to the person holding and another for those who are not" (Poirot)

A Weller my composition, proposed a variant:
The law is the law, even when it is bitter, as he said just before Socrates to drink hemlock.
I drink to the triumph of justice, as Socrates said a minute before drinking hemlock.

A quote for those who misses the good old days in which order and discipline reigns
"What times! An honest man can not kick a peasant" , motto of Philip Buscemi, landowner;
in Leonardo Sciascia, the parishes of Regalpetra, ch. "The story of Regalpetra"

Friday, July 3, 2009

Acapélla My Dad's Gone Crazy

Employers and employees united in struggle? Rain or shine at Easter

Who says that the class struggle is an old rusted scrap metal, totally unable to modify the social and economic conditions of a country, an anachronism, in short, totally inadequate for the times we are living, should navigate between blogs with greater spirit of inquiry and free from any prejudice.
find in it a revival of class struggle in terms of yourself, but quite charming.
No longer the irreducible antagonism between masters and servants, entrepreneurs and labor, between owners of means of production and the proletariat, but between players in the world of work, employers and workers, united in the fight against a common enemy, considered as the main, if not only, responsible, economihe crisis, at least in Italy, past, present, and if nothing is done, also in the future.
What is this common enemy to all men of good will?
more of the various forms of crime organized, this enemy is found in slowly, in the Babel of contradictory laws and regulations governing the working life, and not only, of all Italians. In a word, this relentless and voracious Moloch is called Bureaucracy.
According to this ingenious argument, this monster hit equally rich and poor, employers and employees, men and women and good men and women with disabilities.
At this point, to express myself as the celebrated humorist Achille Campanile, dysentery.
express my total disagreement with this brilliant but untrue claim. Not because he does not believe the bureaucracy, as we live in our country, an evil, but why not just absolutely convinced that it affects the dominant classes, middle classes, more or less impoverished, and instrumental and subordinate classes called the same way, in fact I would venture to say that it strengthens the class rule of bureaucracy between exploiters and exploited.
Those with poor financial resources can not defend themselves with the same efficiency of those who can afford an entire offensive and defensive system, not excluding direct or indirect forms of pressure, such as corruption, which rarely opens the doors of the prison, but often accelerates all the operations that become unreachable for ordinary citizens. Rejection
this class struggle, wittily named liberal, ma che non libera né energie nuove né, tantomeno, contribuisce ad uno sviluppo armonico della società.
Riformiamo la burocrazia, ma ognuno per proprio conto. Sono convinto che in questa lotta le classi dominanti si comporterebbero come "gli eroi da sesta giornata", come quegli assenti dalle "Cinque Giornate di Milano", che si sono fatti vedere solo quando tutto si era compiuto, pretendendo meriti che non gli appartenevano.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Scott Kay Rings Artiste


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Ragazzi a site full of everything really, I have visited and I think it is useful to anyone looking for backgrounds and images for the realization of your blog / site and by the way is FREE.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Semi Truck Headache Racks

run happy hours

Non viene Pasqua al mondo fino a che la luna di marzo non ha fatto il tondo

Gira rigira e datti da fare, l'inverno dura fino a Pasqua

Pasqua piovosa, annata prosperosa

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Minimal Posterior Bulge


Dear readers, this blog was created to pay homage to the most romantic city par excellence PARIS. Entire you can find a tour guide, with a simple click, you will visit Paris sitting comfortably, you will also find a bit 'of history, information, culture, reviews, and various curiosities. I wish you all a good navigation and especially welcome to the world of ParigiTour.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What Should Cm Look Like 2 Days Before Period?



With its 10 million inhabitants (in the urban agglomeration) is, in order of size, the fifth largest city in the world . River Seine, which divides the city into two parts through the center, is crossed by 32 bridges. The capital of France has for many centuries the most economic, business, intellectual and artistic country. But what factors it owes its huge development? Its origin has excellent geographic position, since its river islands: the Isle de la Cite and the island of St. Louis dominate the course of the river, allowing easy control and also allowing you to control the opposing banks of the river itself. The original town, as well founded by the Gauls, became bigger and when they came under the Romans and the Franks were converted to Catholicism, some large monasteries were built on the banks of the river near the two islands. Then, as France grew in prosperity and power, Paris crebbe essa pure in proporzione, divenendo altresì non solo il cuore economico, ma anche politico e culturale della nazione.
Parigi divenne la sede dei re di Francia all'inizio della dinastia capetingia, quando sali' al trono Ugo Capeto. Re e imperatori hanno lasciato il loro segno sulla città e molti dei luoghi sono legati alla monarchia: la fortezza di Filippo-Augusto, il palazzo del louvre, è oggi uno dei più grandi musei del mondo; il Pont Neuf di Enrico IV collega l'Ile de la Cité allae due rive della Senna e Napoleone concepi' L'Arc de Triomphe per celebrare le sue vittorie militari. La fine della lunga sequence of kings came with the overthrow of the monarchy in 1948, during the reign of Louis Philippe.
not have existed without the Seine. the river allowed the first inhabitants of the place to exploit the land, forests, swamps and islands. Recent excavations have brought to light canoe dating back to 4500 BC, then the settlement moltoanteriori the Celtic tribe of the Parisi, occurred in the third century BC to the era known as Lutetia. From 59 BC the Romans undertook the conquest of Gaul and seven years later sacked Lutetia. Pursued fortified and rincostruirono, curing especially the main island (L'Ile de la Cité) and the left bank of the Seine. THE REMAINS OF THE GALLO-ROMAN PARIS: Excavations carried out since the middle of the ninth century have highlighted the boundaries of the Roman city, which ran along the central axis current Rue St-Jacques and Rue Soufflot. In the crypt beneath the square of Notre Dame you can admire the remains of houses Gallo-Roman and Roman ramparts dating from the late third century AD
Throughout the Middle Ages the towns situated in strategic locations such as Paris on the Seine, became important political and cultural center. The church played a key role in the intellectual and spiritual life. It promoted the culture and technological innovations, such as land reclamation and the construction of canals. I did not exceed the boundaries of Paris Ile de la Cité and the left bank. Only when the marshes (marais) were reclaimed in the twelfth century, the city pote 'finally expand.
At the end of the Hundred Years War against England, Paris was reduced in appalling conditions. When in 1453 the British army left the city, it was in ruins. Louis XI brought prosperity and foster a new interest in the arts, architecture and clothing. During the sixteenth century French kings suffered the charm of the Italian Renaissance. The court architects experimented with the first urban planning, raising magnificent square as the Place Royale.
The seventeenth century in France, known as the Grand Siecle (The great century), is well symbolized by the luxurious life of Louis XIV (the Sun King) and his court to Varsailles. In Paris were built stately palaces, squares, theaters. At the end of the reign of Louis XIV the enormous costs and the continuing wars with neighboring countries led to the decline of the monarchy.
PARIS ETA 'Enlightenment:
The Enlightenment, emphasizing reason scinetifica and propose a critical approach to current ideas and society, had its cradle in Paris. By contrast, neopotismo and corruption reached its peak at the court of Louis XV at Versailles. Meanwhile the economy prospered and the number of people came to about 650,000.
In 1789, most Parisians still living in conditions of squalor and poverty, as was the Middle Ages. Runaway inflation and the opposition culminated in Louis XVI nell'assalto the Bastille, the state prison, the republic was founded three years later.
THE PARIS Napoleon
Napoleon Bonaparte was the most brilliant general of the French army. The instability of the new government after the Revolution gave him the chance to seize power and, in November 1799, he was besieged as first consul of the palace of the Tuileries. He had himself crowned emperor in May 1804. Napoleon centralized administration, issued a code of laws, reformed the French school system and began to transform Paris into the most beautiful city in the world. In March in 1814 the armies of Prussia, Austria and Russia invaded Paris and Napoleon took refuge on the island of Elba. He returned to Paris in 1815, but was defeated at Waterloo in 1821 died in exile.
In 1848 he lived in Paris a second revolution that overthrew the monarchy restored soon. During the uncertain period following the nephew of Napoleon, where he took power in a coup in 1851 and declared himself Napoleon III, Paris was transformed into the most beautiful cities in Europe, and entrusted the task of modernizing the Baron Haussmann.

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Parigi è una delle città più belle del mondo nonchè una delle più romantiche. Attira visitatori tutto l’anno e di tutto il mondo, numerosissime le cose da vedere, quindi per godere appieno delle ricchezze e delle attrazioni, occorrerebbe trascorrervi almeno una settimana.



On the left bank of the Seine is the Latin Quarter, The University of Sorbonne, the Pantheon , where are buried the heroes of national liberation, and the well-known Luxembourg gardens. In this area of \u200b\u200bthe city is also Boulevard St.Germain , antique collection center of avant-garde literary and philosophical circles. Along the river lies the Academy of France, and always in this area of \u200b\u200bthe city are the Palais Bourbon, seat of the National, and the Quai d'Orsay houses the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in addition to the neighborhood of embassies and ministries.

It 's the most aristocratic quarter of Paris and lies on the right bank of the Seine. Retains much of its traditional architecture and has the original seventeenth-century Place of Vosges .
Le Halles erano i giganteschi mercati generali che si occupavano di raccogliere e smistare quotidianamente i generi alimentari necessari a oltre nove milioni di persone. Demoliti nel 1974, al loro posto è stato edificato il grandioso centro culturale G. Pompidou .
E’ un quartiere arrampicato lungo una modesta collina che culmina in the size of the imposing Basilica of the Sacre-Coeur - Basilica of the Sacred Heart. " Montmartre is the area of \u200b\u200bmeeting the artists and we can say that all great modern painters, the Impressionists later came to Montmartre and lived and worked here. The lower area of \u200b\u200bPigalle Montmartre welcomes Square, the heart of Paris at night.
Around this Square, which is the nerve center of Paris traffic, lies a neighborhood where there are the big hotels, like the perfume of place Vendome, elegant shops and fashion houses.
the Tuileries The Louvre: The Louvre
was the palace of the kings of France until Napoleon III. Today it remains one of the most famous architectural complex and most beautiful in the world. Its structure and especially the seventeenth-century monarchs like Louis XIII and Louis XIV worked to make that wonderful Louvre gioiello d’arte che esso rimane. Al Louvre ha sede il Museo forse più noto del mondo, nel quale vengono custoditi oltre 200.000 pezzi tra cui la merlettaia , la zattera della medusa , la gioconda
( visualizza informazioni dettagliate ) etc. Il grande giardino de la Tuileries completa armonicamente il monumentale insieme dei palazzi.

E’ il monumento più caratteristico di Parigi, il simbolo della città. Si trova sulla riva sinistra della Senna, ai margini di un vasto giardino sorto dove s’estendeva un tempo lo spiazzo del Campo di Marte. E’ 300 meters high and was inaugurated in 1889 for the Universal Exhibition that took place then and Paris. The Eiffel Tower weighs 8000ntonnellate and is named after its inventor and builder of the engineer Gustave Eiffel

Including the antenna at 324 meters.
With the heat rises to 18 cm for the expansion of the metal
The stairs to the third level are 1665
The 2.5 million held together with nails clinched
Non oscilla più di 7 cm
Pesa 10.100 tonnellate
60 tonnellate di vernice sono usate ogni sette anni
E’ illuminata da 352 proiettori di 1000 watt

La torre ha ispirato molti gesti di folle coraggio. E' stata scalata da alpinisti, discesa in bicicletta da un giornalista, usata come base di lancio da paracadutisti e come palcoscenico da trapezisti. Nel 1912 un sarto parigino, Reichelt, tentò di volare lanciandosi giù dalla torre munito di un mantello adattato per formare delle ali, e si schiantò davanti a una grande folla. Secondo l'autopsia, mori' di infarto prima ancora di toccare terra.

La Tour Eiffel 31 March 2009 makes 120 years. For the 120th anniversary of a true platform mounted carbon welcome tourists flocked to see the beautiful panorama of Paris .. The new terrace will be attached only to the structure of the Tower before being dismantled at the end of the celebrations.

THE banlieue:
It 's the industrial area in Paris for a distinctive look but also the Renault automobile factories Bois de Vincennes and the Bois de Boulogne .

It 's the subway of Paris, whose construction was begun at the beginning of this century. E '190 km long and carries each year, more than one billion passengers. Another one billion carry it the 57 bus routes that Paris has.

It developed from the seventeenth century, around the Royal Castle, which still form the major tourist attraction. The castle was begun in 1661 and with it arose the famous stables, other buildings, such as Trianons and extensive gardens. Resided in this architectural complex, the Court of France.

Arc de Triomphe:
The Arc de Triomphe is one of the most famous monuments in Paris that was built to celebrate Napoleon's victories, especially the victory of Austerlitz in 1805. And 'situated in the center of the Place de l'Etoile, where roads converge with the names of the twelve generals francesi.Sotto the Arc is the tomb of "Soldat Inconnu", symbol of the dead of World War I represented by a flame. It 's definitely one of the things to see in Paris.

Another places to visit in Paris is the Notre Dame de Paris, which is one of the largest neo-Gothic cathedrals in the world. It was the seat of political and historical events of great religious importance. At the end of the work in about 1330, measured 130 meters in length, had arches, a large transept, a deep choir and towers 69 meters high. To visit this important monument is advisable to get a guide to Paris in order to understand what it represents.


must imagine a country where the wonderful world of Disney comes alive and comes to life before us. An unusual destination for holidays, but spectacular for children but for adults too. Disneyland Paris is a world apart, consisting of two parks that you can not do in one day, two days are the minimum to take advantage of games and activities of this imaginary world. Inside the park there are also two hotels that are designed to accommodate numerous families. Idea travel to Paris a lot of fun and different, especially one of the things to see in Paris



12 Weeks Pregnant Why Is My More Dry And Blocked



1° Gennaio - Capodanno
Pasqua e Lunedì dell'Angelo (data variabile)
1° Maggio
8 Maggio Giorno della Vittoria
Ascensione (40esimo giorno dopo Pasqua - data variabile)
Pentecoste (7ma domenica dopo Pasqua - data variabile)14 Luglio - Presa della Bastiglia
15 Agosto
1° Novembre - Ognissanti
November 11 - Armistice Day
December 25 - Christmas

Pairigi the climate is very variable, average temperatures touching 12 degrees in winter can easily fall below zero and summer pass quietly 30 degrees.

hour ahead of Greenwich.

The French international dialing code is 0033. The country code for Italy is always 0039. The local area code of the city of Paris is 01.

The official currency is the euro in Amsterdam as part of the Union European Union. The currency had previously used the French franc.

Paris is known for its famous restaurants and the city are in thousands: pizza, fast foof, local Arabic or Chinese. Among the most popular we ipiatti snails, foie gras, oysters, lamb stew, the famous creeps, the pork chops, and onion soup. For the bread swarms with the Bagetti, which can be eaten along with a good French cheese. French champagne and oysters have shaped the history of this cuisine.

Paris has more hotel rooms than any other European city. There are luxury hotels, as and exclusive hotels like the Ritz hotel where Oscar Wilde mori 'in poverty, to the small hotels in the most simple and charming old city. These include: Balzac, Bristol, Hotel de Crillon, the Plaza Athénée, Lutétia, Hotel de l'Abbaye etc.

The center of Paris and is compact and the best way to visit is to go on foot. Both Parisians and tourists are increasingly choosing the bicycle and roller but you must pay close attention to traffic and to drive the French, who often do not respect the lanes. Driving in downtown is not fun, in addition to traffic, often chaotic, for many one-way streets and car parks notoriously expensive and difficult to find. The transport system RATP, buses, metro and RER train instead allows you to move easily and economically. The city transport is divided into five zones: zones 1 and 2 correspond to the center and zones 3, 4, and 5 to the suburbs and the airport. The city is divided into 20 arrondissements that also helps the tourists to orient themselves.

Whether you prefer theater or cabaret, the legs of dancers, the ballet, opera or jazz, the cinema or discos in Paris you will find everything. There is a wide range of venues and entertainment by buskers who perform outside the Centre Pompidou to the musicians in the subway stations and a little 'anywhere in the city. The same very much love to walk along the Paris loulevard a drink and sit in a cafe watching the world go by. However, if you are interested in the magazine or music hall, there are dancers to suit every taste and makes many Might-club. For sports enthusiasts there are tennis, Tour de France and the horse races. The fitness centers and gyms satisfy the most active. For those who like calmer activities there is always a game of bowls.
La Carte Orange 'subscription using the French to use public transport, cheaper than the Paris Visite but does not provide discounts at museums and monuments and it is necessary fototessera.Inoltre is valid from Monday to Saturday. Its name comes from the orange color of the magnetic ticket.
zones 1-2 Mon-Fri € 16.80
zones 1-3 Mon-Fri € 22.30
zones 1-4 Mon-Fri € 27.50
Mon-Fri areas 1-5 € 33.00
zones 1-6 Mon-Fri € 37.20

Paris has always been considered an inexhaustible literary tank.


Country Name: French Republic
Area: 547,030 sq km Capital
Paris Population: 60,656,178 inhabitants
Official language: French
Order status: semi-presidential republic
President Jacques Chirac
GDP per capita: $ 27,500


MUSIC, French singer :

MC Solaar
Louise Attaque


Watch the video for the song dedicated to Elvis in Paris .

Watch the video for the song-Paris Au Mois D'août-sung by Laura Pausini with Charles Aznavour.

splendor the Comedie Francaise to become more coarse and avant-garde drama, theater flourishes throughout Paris and the suburbs, the best training ground for actors and directors. Traditionally, the city often hosts foreign companies who perform at times in the original language. The theaters are scattered throughout the city and the theater season runs from September to July, in August the national theaters close, but private ones are open.
The musical seasons in Paris have never been so intense. The state subsidizes many major venues, where you put staged performances of opera and classical and contemporary music. He also held many concerts in churches and various music festivals.
enthusiasts will find in Paris and around music of all kinds, ranging from international pop stars in the halls leading to the musicians in subway stations, more or less talented talent. Between these two extremes there is everything from reggae, hip-hop, world music, blues, rock and jazz, so it is said that Paris is second only to New York for the number of jazz clubs and jazz recordings, and we Always perform a number of excellent band. Every year, on the day of the summer solstice (June 21), takes place on the feast of music. It 's the day of the year in which anyone can make music without permission in Paris in which the ears can be hurt by the harsh sound of some heavy metal complex or lulled by the sweet of the old French songs performed by an accordion.
The world of night clubs is currently under fire because of government laws on noise and sound levels. Despite this, the nightlife does not stop, and even with a few decibels less, in the Parisian clubs can listen to some 'all sounds, even the most creative. Incidentally, quite often the bouncers at the entrance of the premises and recruiters are more likely to enter foreign tourists. Among other possibilities to spend an evening there are dance halls and piano bar. If you have any doubts on the dress to wear more casual but nice and generally the most appropriate.
Paris is one of the world capital of cinema. It 'was the cradle of cinema about 100 years ago and here was born avant-garde movement called the French New Wave, when directors like Claude Chabrol, Francois Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard and Eric Rohmer, in the late '50s and early '60s, have revolutionized the way we do and to understand the film. In 2001 the success of Amélie Poulain (Amélie's world) revitalized the film Paris, many of the places where it was filmed walking in the city can be recognized. In the city there are over 300 screens, 100 cinemas and distributed across multiple rooms, showing a surprising number of films, both new and classic. The market is ever more dominated by American films, but virtually every movie studio in the world has found its niche in a town hall.
Paris is a city where the sport is very intense. The Roland Garros tennis tournament and the Tour de France are national institutions. The only drawback is that many systems are in the suburbs.

If you are looking a little 'local color or want to be with people, there's no better place for an outdoor market in Paris. In the city there are many indoor markets where they sell food, other, outdoors, where the stalls rotate regularly, and permanent markets, which are mixed in shops and stalls, which are open every day. Each market has its own style, which reflects the area where you keep. A little advice? While you are in the stands, keep an eye on your wallet and be ready to negotiate the price. In Paris you find beautiful gifts and souvenirs in quantity, accessories designed by fashion designers to perfumes, to the French cuisine and paperweights in the shape of the Eiffel Tower. For many, Paris is synonymous with high fashion and style is the ultimate Parisian elegance. More than in other parts of the world, women in Paris are sought in dress and always follow the latest trends. This is true, although to a lesser extent, for men who know how to mix and match colors and patterns with taste very different. Knowing how to find the right clothes at the right price means you know where to shop. For every luxury boutique on the Avenue Montaigne store, there are ten young designers waiting to become the next jeanpaul Gaultier and hundreds of others who are selling fakes. Finally it is fair to point out that in Paris you can also buy art and antiques shops and galleries is specialized both in outdoor markets and galleries of the art.

It's never too early to instill in children a lasting love for this magical city. In addition to Disneyland (you will find the official site in the post en route to Paris) that enchants young and old, are having fun centers with entertainers for children's entertainment. L'Atelier des Enfants at the Centre Pompidou is a workshop for children opened on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons from 14:30 to 16:00. The language is French, but the circus scenes, mimes, puppets and theater games or animations, are based more on actions than on words. Are several café-theater shows for children with mime, dance or music. The show was held at Géode more interesting in the Cité des Sciences et de l'industrie. Cinema Le Saint Lambert specializes in children's films and cartoons in French, but remember that most of these films has subtitles. A day at the circus is definitely uncommon experience. The Cirque de Paris a day dedicated to children, they may approach the animals, make-up as a clown, try to walk on the rope.
in Paris do not miss the chic fashion for children. A good place to start is the Rue du jour at the Beaubourg and Les Halles, which has many children's boutique. In the city there are many nice shops like Au Nain Bleu toy or the various branches of Apache, but, like the clothing stores, can be prohibitive.

EMERGENCIES In an emergency, call Enfance et Partage, in service 24 hours 24. The largest children's hospital is the Hopital Necker in Paris.
ENFANCE ET PARTAGE: Tel 08 00 05 12 34


Paris has three airports: the two main Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly, low cost flights usually land at Paris-Beauvais. Flights from Italy, leading to Paris start at all major Italian airports and are offered by all companies.

An alternative way to get to Paris is by train. Also by referring to a departure from Rome, it takes 14 to 17 hours depending on the train and the arrival station from those available in Paris. In this case, the Eurostar trip can cost up to 187 euro per person with the change in central Milan and Geneva.
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webcam ON Paris' city.


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All I'm saying is from my own experience about two years ago to clarify that Parigi.Voglio are personal opinions, so I ask you, do not base your back on this review. I had the pleasure of spending a week in Paris and I must say that no one can imagine (if not those, like me, could see it in person) can be spectacular as a city that is now unfortunately called the impossible goal, I do not wrong term, you read that right "impossible" and tell you more, even "prohibitive." But according to you, with the wave of the crisis that we are all swept away, where we can not even get to the end of the month, without asking for help banks, we could afford to make a trip to Paris? No, absolutely not. Certainly you may ask: But it costs so 'much? Believe me, before leaving I put aside a lot 'of money, the fruit of my savings, but they are made only to pay me the hotel throughout the week, then everything else I had to ask mom and dad since it still did not work. Let's recap: Travel costs (which fortunately does not cost too expensive) + cost of accommodation (meals not included, because otherwise you would spend a digit) + cost of all the sandwiches and drinks consimati that week (because you can not starve ) + cost of the ticket fee (if you do not pay these, then it was no use to go to Paris), and then not to mention all the money spent in taxis, a few small souvenirs only one input, say only "one" at a nightclub. Surely there has arisen a doubt: the amount spent? 1500 euros, guys, we are at the limit, a lower figure does not think there is. Well, well ... doing two calculations ... 1500 euros divided by seven days takes a total of 214 euros per day. Absurd, is just so 'absurd, but it's really worth. The atmosphere, the smells, the people, the noise, everything looks like a charm, not to mention the Eiffel Tower which I believe is a majestic sight. Having said all that, 'the fact remains that Paris is a luxury that not everyone can afford. Think of a family of four persons, who for a week, would have to spend about 6,000 euros, a figure too high that few can spendere.Accantoniamo for a moment the idea of \u200b\u200bthe costs to deal with and enter into another optical I think is the most important ... In Paris, a cappuccino costs four euros, you realize? We're talking about a cappuccino (which by the way is literally crap). Why it costs so 'dear? I'll ask you why? simple ... this is pure speculation, where before I had any doubts, now I have full confidence that it is this. One morning, after visiting the Louvre, I decided to enter a cafe (certainly not for want of a drink, but need fisilogico) and after exiting the toilet I ordered a cappuccino (a classic of the Italians who did not leave empty handed from the room trying to thank everyone who has freed us from much suffering), a Parisian who had ordered the cappuccino before me, paid 2 euros, when I had to pay, the bill salts', and not just .. twice. Normal administration? Yes, all regular us tourists, precisely because we are such (which by the way we should also thank perhè the positive fixed point of the economy of the country) we should only be, or there is fine, or there is good, there alternative. This is one of many examples, to make you understand why Paris has become too dear, however, if by chance you are in Paris do not order cappuccino. I think a nice sized should be given to all that concerns the abuse to the foreigner, and not only in Paris but in all countries of the world. That said, Paris is so so beautiful, rich in art and history that you can forget (at least for one week) of everything you spend (you think after, for everything else).

If the monuments of Paris is definitely lumière, Paris nightlife is at least the mistress of the dark or dim light, not the darkness of nights of revelry nineteenth century but the darkness of the local discrete and exclusive loose just by candles and old-fashioned games of the counter neon bars of five-star hotel, or disk, or better yet after hours of being held indoors and out it is already clear. To start the night in Paris, the appointment is at the bar, as free as possible and in a place where if you want you can also dine. Before queuing to enter the nightclub, there are those who prefer to relax for a couple of hours and throw in the atmosphere of a cinema to combine culture and fun. The night never ends after the first discotheque, why does the dawn of light and energizing cocktail.

What To Do During The March Break?



ParigiTour anhée is now up:

Inside you'll find lots of friends who share the same passion for Paris. I want to thank all members who have subscribed to the group of Parisians. " It 's really a great success, receiving only a few days so many friend requests. Thank you very much.

Wedding Dance Mount And Blade Walkthrough



The Eiffel Tower, the world's most visited attraction, is about to introduce an on-line ticketing system, designed in an attempt to reduce waiting times which now account for about two hours for the bottle seven million tourists each year come to see this steel giant. Pre-paid Internet tickets for groups will be on sale from next year, at the 120th anniversary of the monument, so operators have announced the unveiling of the Eiffel Tower plans to modernize the building of iron in the next decade.
From 17 March to 28 June 2009, the musée du quai Branly immerses you in the world of Jazz. The exhibition "Le Siècle du Jazz" (The Century of Jazz), conceived by the philosopher and critic d'arte Daniel Soutif, riunisce in uno spazio di 2000 m2, circa 1000 opere: oggetti, documenti, partizioni illustrati, cartelloni, dischi e copertine, fotografie, materiale audiovisivo, quadri, opere d'arte. Riscoprirete le maggiori influenze del Jazz durante il XX secolo sulle altre discipline artistiche. Apprezzerete come il Jazz ha colorato pittura, fotografia, cinema, letteratura senza dimenticare, naturalmente, le arti gotiche, i film e cartoni animati.
SCRITTO DA LORENZO VANNUCCI: Domenica 22 marzo a Paris si inaugura un nuovo locale che si propone come un punto di incontro tra la realtà degli italiani a Parigi e la voglia di confrontarsi con l'ambiente French. For this first event will be offered a great buffet (italiano!!) Initiatives and will be presented in a very diverse cultural environment (in the program are provided for poetry contests, jam sessions, etc ...) all dedicated to us .. Italian that for a time, long or short does not matter, we live in Paris! Kiron espace, metro Voltaire input list with drink, performances and DJ sets (modern music and '80s), all at € 15, are available for gifts, but they are very few, so the priority is given to those who call ahead! X info, lists, and gifts you can still contact me! Lorenzo (lista. .. Italians, of course!) +33628817640

Sunday, 29/03 at KIRON ESPACE, replicates the Italian aperitif of more involving Paris ..! A melting pot of French culture and sense of belonging of Italians abroad, in an intriguing and diverse! On this occasion there will be many changes from the opening night ... Program: 19.00_20.00 Ambient/Lounge20.00_21.30 Art-Talk-Show_Gerardo Maffei (actor) _Alessandro Berni (writer) _ Misha Caput Munich (poet and arbiter elegantiarum) 21.30_24.30 case_Sosa Show-DJ (Vice-Champion ITF / IDA Italy 2008) And more ... .. Scratch-performance, jam session e.. much more! The entry list is available at 15 € Open Buffet includes ..- .. very Italian and guaranteed 100 %..!;- input and shows - first drink; ITALIANS list (I have some gifts available for those who call first!)

Miniature Horse Cart Blueprints


is born Forum ParigiTour inside you can discuss everything and everything about Paris (good and bad) are included. Happy surfing.

Click on image to enter the forum.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Real Estate Investment Opportunities Calgary 2010

The thorn that pricks you is not as soft as silk

Mi è ritornato in mente questo proverbio, letto ne "Gli zii di Sicilia" di Leonardo Sciascia; mi è ritornato in mente con insistenza sentendo pronunciare sentenze di condanna per un avvenimento che non aveva prodotto in chi non si peritava di infliggere condanne e auspicare pene nei confronti di chi pene laceranti aveva già subito, spesso condanne e pene auspicate senza capire, e che non avrebbero nemmeno essere pronunciate anche se si fosse capito, le stesse sofferenze che si voleva che in altri venissero perpetuate.
Non di rado si sente dire "Io mi sarei comportato diversamente" , ma quasi sempre non si è mai vissuta l'esperienza della quale è vittima chi è fatto oggetto delle nostre pretestuose e presuntuose lezioni di etica.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

When Will Lcd Tv Prices Drop In 2010

Efemere: between aphorisms and Weller

The efemere are "defined as insects or critters forced a small flower and dried between the pages of a book" (the introductory note to the book Efemere Sandro Montalto Marco Sartorelli) (1). These

efemere, also referred to in subsection aphorisms apocryphal, belong, such as proverbs, aphorisms real and Weller, literary forms to "short". Both

Montalto, in

introductory note, that the


in the review, apparent to the efemere Weller.
start collecting Sartorelli, I will try to react and transform the structure Weller in one case mantenondone intact, or nearly so, meaning, in another modified.

"Why not? - Charles F., 21 years - ticket goodbye, Palermo."

"I wanted a life without if - San Antonio - Suicide, Milan, 1964"

The first message speaks for itself, the second, although not entirely clear the reasons for suicide, lends itself to a few comments, I hope not farfetched. If nothing else
suicide lets you choose how, when and where to finish his earthly existence, we can say that is one of the rare cases in which the time, place and how an event can be a choice of more or less wisely. But you can really say that, at least in second case, the suicide has reached its goal?
certainly has eliminated all of his life if that caused him anguish, but together with cleared if his life has thus eliminated, but even their own. Objective
then failed. That is, if we assume that there is no other life beyond this earthly one, but if we assume an afterlife different matter, since the suicide turns without destroying their lives, but the biggest failure is that if you are not only not eliminated, but they adds a new one even more frightening, eternal and irreconcilable: If you chose to continue living!

Transformed into weller could look like:

"I wanted a life without if, as he wrote a young suicide "

The third mayfly:
" Death to the possessive!
Roberto "Fuego" Gamil, Revolutionary Cuba.

now changed to Weller, alter in any way the content and partly refute it.:

"We replace our with the possessive my , as he told a Cuban revolutionary.

The mayfly certainly refers to a Cuban revolutionary who intended to overthrow the Batista regime, founded on the oppressive domination of private property and replace it with its abolition. But a poor Cuban who had nothing would not want to do a rivoluzione con lo scopo di continuare a non avere ugualmente niente. Quindi più appropriato sarebbe stato uno slogan che mettesse in risalto l'aspirazione alla libertà politica, alla partecipazione alla ricchezza con una equa distribuzione di essa fra tutto il popolo, abolendo i privilegi semi-feudali in vigore col regime di Batista.
Ma l'aggettivo possessivo "nostro" può nascondere insidie ancora più pericolose dell'aggettivo possessivo "mio", specie quando viene adoperato in senso restrittivo.
Se con "nostro" si intendono gli interessi, i valori, ed i disvalori di una ristretta cerchia di uomini e donne, i militari, il partito, la classe dominante, e non tutti i cittadini, l'oppressione coniugata con l'aggettivo "Our" may become even more oppressive than that exerted by the adjective "my". So I think my positive
Weller (plagiarized), provided that "our" is as inclusive as possible , and as much as possible participated.

(1) Marco Sartorelli, Efemere - Aphorisms Apocrypha, Novi Ligure AL, Joker Edizioni, 2004