Sunday, February 27, 2011

Like Dutch Master Wrap

basket recovered

My sister, my brother's wife , had put in this basket to throw things from wrought iron and wicker.

guess you knew me I'm into it.
As I often, I forgot to take pictures immediately, and when I remembered I had already begun to transform it.
This is the end result

I thought to use it as a door lemons

And we're back to another week.
Good start!

Helichrysum Oil Vancouver

innocent life destroyed .............


Friday, February 25, 2011

Templates For Driver Licenses

The sages say ... Decoupage

(Oscar Wilde)

The problems continue with the blog, but I found that depends on Blogger. We look
............. Meanwhile I wish you a happy weekend! Hugs and kisses


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

One Simple Model For A Person Running 100m

friend of mine's sister had given me to turn this small tub

Then it occurred to me to experiment with the technique of decoupage, the I know I have a lot to learn, but this is the end result

are some days that I have problems with the creation of the post. I have to publish back to the old editor, I do not know if it is a problem of my blog. In case any of you for the same thing happens? Among other things prevents me even register in the followers of other blog !!!!!!!!!
I hope this problem will be resolved soon! An affectionate hug

Monday, February 21, 2011

Occupational Therapy Wood Projects

A listing of spring!

bordering the courtyard of the garage of my apartment are a myriad of flowers blooming almond
The courtyard is covered with petals, looks like snow, it makes me a strange feeling , we do not see it ever!

Before leaving, I want to inform fortunately my friend to whom I had spoken months ago, has awakened from a coma, thank God! How many of you have learned, the very young child of a blogger, is in serious condition after a terrible accident with the scooter. Gather my thoughts about you and pray that the Lord will intervene with His divine help. I embrace you affectionately

Friday, February 18, 2011

Height Adjustment Coffee Table

The sages say ...........

(Giovanni Pascoli)
After a few days of irritability and bad mood, I hope that this weekend I bring a little joy in my heart! Big hugs


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Can You Import Swords Into Canada

swan goose

Domaso (CO), it is swan goose (Anser cygnoides) aufuga origin. Photos and comments of John Fontana.

Fast Point And Shoot 2009

cottage Tour Part II

Resume with the opening round of the ladder that leads upstairs to the attic spaces

The staircase gives access to an area that will be my craft room, and at the same time divides the two rooms reserved for my children.
This is a part with my purse in plain sight

And this is the other photograph that I gave a craniates a beam! In short space I have reserved that runs around the stairwell

On the right side, the entrance to the room of my son
With a roof window

And a balcony overlooking the sea, but at the moment covered with a tarpaulin to prevent rain damage
On the front is the area reserved to the bathroom to the left and right of the closet
In particular, the bathroom

The cabin armdio

back at the stairs, on the left is a small utility room and the entrance to the room with my daughter left the bathroom
Here you can see better because he is photographed from inside the room

The room from another angle. The door on the right is the closet

Finally the terrace, which juts out of the bathroom window even

back outside to show the north side which includes a kitchen, and windows of the living

Here we see the pillars of the entrance gate and pedestrians

This photo shows the fence before the ground leveling

And here is today the building

That hard work !!!!!! I hope I have satisfied your curiosity!
See you next update.
Kisses Francy

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Konjac Noodles In Toronto

Ah! ...... L'amour, l'amour!

On the day of St. Valentine could not miss my heart ....... romantic!
Long live love! In a broad sense, of course.
Good week! Francy

Lv On Udresses Good Quality

February 12, 2011 between strips and bell towers: the Assembly of EBN Italy

Photos of Giuliana Pirotta (taken to the Park the coots - Case Gerola, PV)

From the train station are within walking distance, just the time to capture the notes in accent flight time: two girls whispering thick dense, walking. The themes do not change much with latitude, but differ in the Italy of one thousand bell sounds and vernacular, and not only that, as we shall see.
appointment is the first, just ahead of Brescia and Emanuele Forlani Francesco Gatti, ready in his role as landlord. On the obligation of the undersigned, arrange the formalities, laws EBN renewal of the card.

The editorial
Introducing it, of course, to the President. The beginning is a model of how we were. There is even a picture in years, in spite of technology Digital, have gradually faded colors. All we need is in turn sepia to complete the work. Some other reviews the instant
far past decades, the first meetings, the first excursions: a Sound of Music to discover corners of the peninsula until then little or unknown. The contents of the intervention have cut
institutional tone less, to betray a hint of passionate involvement. EBN is discovered. EBN Shares. EBN is immediacy of the observations, in spite of what the bubble Ruggieri as "obscurantism". And then, protection (of places and birds, and even sbinocolatori), education and promotion. In short, the classic ingredients are all there and waited. Al But news and reporter interested. There is something, something. The site first, which will soon be given a new look. Apart from the rendered graphics, new pages will contain interesting. The list of sub-sections will have a chapter devoted to the nodes, which will be interactive. "... The people at the local level, they can make improvements ....". Luciano just deepens the theme - and I myself forget to ask for further details - that seems interesting though. There were spaces for the blog, where registered people can act - perhaps by inserting chronicles like here - it would not be bad. Vedaremm. A subsection
sarà dedicata ai materiali, alle ottiche, gioia e dolore del nostro piccolo popolo: chiedere al qui presente estensore, in attesa di ritirare il povero oculare della specola, danneggiato dalla mano maldestra di un’amica. Si parlerà anche di obbiettivi fotografici, immagino: argomento che non attira la mia attenzione, vista la mia idiosincrasia per l’ambito. Più gradito, invece, sarebbe leggere di microfoni e registratori, mondo cui da qualche tempo mi sto avvicinando.
Interessanti le annotazioni sulla rivista e sul suo passaggio al cartaceo. Poco avvezzo ad argomenti quali promozioni e affini non tenevo in considerazione l’impatto che un prodotto di questo tipo può avere su papabili iscritti. Però, però, I should have thought, after decades of commitment to various causes and organizations. "... Then send me home something ?...". Phrase is heard more often at banquets by members and subscribers. To have something tangible to help the affection, says Luciano properly. I currently have 516 members, 1131 subscribers to the electronic mailing list. The two groups are closely interconnected, but there are members who do not fan the list. The future holds
participation in different projects: Atlas, Ornitho way, on all.
At the organizational level internal resources to the nodes will be removed, as a year. Sections will be responsible for local self-financing in good part.
urn appears properly in the back of the room: they'll be on the components of the next Board.

A man, a taxonomist
The timing of the assembly can be on the news. The list of species - or checklist, according to custom, disliked by the writer to use Anglicisms - recently completed by Gianluigi Castelli and Igor Festari deserves proper presentation. Absent the former, it is up to the honor of Igor spotlight. As a rule, our juggles with taste and profitability in the sector, from which the most generally remain rare, taxonomy. The service that follows for the community of binoculars is exceedingly pleasing, of course. We come to bomb. Throw away the old list - "we have not even looked at," said the rapporteur -, the compilers have taken a number of references, including digital and paper. The central reference "Gill and Donsker (Eds.), 2010. IOC World Bird Names (version 2.7), available at: . "It is the largest in the world, and its writers are planning to get 3.0 edition by the end of 2011. This taxonomic base, it is necessary to spend some references to the Italian names. CISO-The IOC is one of the bases used, together with Violani e Barbagli (2006), che purtroppo si ferma ai piciformi, e alla Massa, Bottoni e Violani (2000).
Processo eternamente in fieri, dichiara il Festari, la tassonomia. Come tutto ciò che è scienza, e come tutto ciò che compone l’intero universo.
Occorrono alcune puntualizzazioni. Il lavoro si pone come un tentativo di mettere ordine in questo campo, e non vuole mettersi in polemica con la CISO-COI. Anzi, ha valore di contributo, fatto con rigore scientifico, ancorché con uno spirito che il nostro relatore non stenta a definire “ludico”. Un contributo per aiutare un aggiornamento da portare avanti nel nostro paese.
Il risultato parla di 1040 specie per il Paleartico occidentale, e, udite udite, 206 subspecies. These are indeed many. "... .. And could be more," notes Igor, who loves new separate taxa. The names of the subspecies listed by Castles and Festari van taken as suggestions. If you need to write an article, you will be able to speak, say, or form islands Sardinian goshawk goshawk. For the rest, for posterity ....

Ga vureva misrepresented the
Eh, yes. It took the Swiss. The argument is the platform Ornith, produced either as Swiss watches and chocolate. To tell us about the inevitable Robert Lardelli, with the usual polite and engaging style. The oratory skills of the Ticino repeatedly suffer the harsh and unexpected interruption of the PC, without leaving the slightest nicked: the final applause is most deserved. The text deals with issues
addentellati and have strong affinity with the planet Ornith. The systematic tool is essential and at the same time, and the engine due to a job that can not stop.
There's more. Ornith Festa and the list of Castles and start really small. The first ended with the rise in increasingly large, the second will be to await events. Initially, the data container Swiss national team, ran in 2003, was limited to the French Switzerland. His comeback in 2007 enlargement of the federal government and neighboring France. The database will arrive soon in our country. Already, Italy and the steeples of the thousand parrocchiette (see above). How would she react? One could not expect better, become members amounted to more than a couple thousand (2300 for the record), even though many are mostly spectators. And the data is thus: just over 100 thousand in January 2011. This success has stimulated to start the ambitious national atlas. Of course, there is still much to do in a country plagued by morphology and, in many areas, unhappy. What's more, there are lands which is lacking a passable number of detectors. But little by little, confides Lardelli, and with him the Professor. Bogliani, things are increasing, even in areas which have always infertile in terms not of species but to see people willing to go and look.
There are also technical difficulties. The enlargement of users over the geographical area requires a starting gradually and revisions of Chapter accommodation servers. Today the server is not one: it operates more than one machine, chain. As necessary, or increasing simultaneously connected users, start new server in action, this system saves. Over time, have also been made adjustments and tweaks to the site.
The difficulties are also external. There is no lack of conflict, in terms of projections, tra griglie di regioni adiacenti. Secondo Roberto, si imporrà l’UTM. Al momento, però, esistono regioni come il Lazio dove il reticolo è stato deformato: il collegamento con regioni confinanti diviene difficoltoso. Ci si può, forse, consolare pensando come l’intera Francia abbia operato le sue distorsioni all’intero sistema di coordinate. Se parte un progetto europeo sulla piattaforma ORNITHO, ne vedremo delle belle.
Tornando al Bel Paese, giocoforza si è imposto l’utilizzo di Google Earth, di fronte alle difficoltà nel comparare le varie carte regionali. Sistemare il reparto cartografico si è rivelato impresa titanica. Difficoltà informatiche? Discussioni sulla resa grafica finale? Nossignori: have had to spend our time even to go to the various municipalities and verify the province. The site Italiot with our political maps do not even report - to the anger of us locals - the Province of Monza and Brianza, Lardelli discovered by following a message dell'Andrea Galimberti. Dear Andrea, from Sevenoaks al Lambro can reach a sincere thank you.
Soon there will be new. Will give an update of the requirements for surveys of nesting. 121 species are listed as priorities to be considered. The transepts
cells 1x1 priority will be to go twice. Commitment is not just, in fact. But reasons: there are resident species whose nesting takes place long before rispetto a migratori di lunga distanza. Insomma, hemm da sgamelà (tradotto: ci sarà da sgobbare). Il ticinese, bontà sua, si lancia in proiezioni ottimistiche. Forse in futuro saremo così tanti, e bravi, da poter fare come in Svizzera, dove una cella viene passata al setaccio con il mappaggio per 3 volte 3, e per 2 ore ogni volta.
A miglioramento e a raffinamento delle operazioni saranno individuate delle celle da studiare a fondo, sulla base di alcuni caratteri: distribuzione delle altitudini, tipologie ambientali presenti e compagnia cantante.
Oggi i validatori in Italia sono oltre 60; il numero ottimale, valuta Lardelli, sarebbe pari al centinaio. Col tempo, si è notato, un validatore diviene sempre più abile nel cogliere sviste ed errori. La partecipazione al gioco può avere la coralità e la sintonia di un pacchetto di mischia rugbistico. Il nostro in più di un’occasione si è iscritto alla versione elvetica con pseudonimi, con lo scopo di mettere alla prova controllori (e utenti), inserendo dati anomali, specie poco probabili…ecc… Risultato: nel giro di poco tempo veniva messo in riga.
A breve saranno inserite carte con la distribuzione di varie specie. Ciò potrà servire a dare impulso a ulteriori indagini, qualora si evidenziasse che in qualche particella una specie comune non è stata censita. I dati via via caricati permettono una serie di verifiche. Se sono l’unico ad aver rilevato una specie, magari too early or late compared to normal, it may be that committed an error. On the other hand, going to see appearances and disappearances during the year I can better define the periods in which to search for a bird.
Ornith, in the intentions of the creators do not want to conflict with reality or regional associations. Quite the opposite: local groups or national needless to say, can draw from this material. The same applies, in the words of Robert, for professional ornithologists, whose work will not suffer damage. Or rather, will have additional material. In these contexts, not only has to have, and collect data, but know how to handle and interpret.

A European network is developing. After evaluating different platforms, even the Germans have chosen based on a Swiss. The goal is to create a short set of data that involves an area that reaches from the Baltic to the Straits of Sicily.

Consultants Corner
could not miss the corner of the expert. After Roberto Lardelli complimented for their work, late nights at the PC side, we explore some methods to load data more quickly.
is the time of Diego Rubottom. For faster browsing you should use Chrome. Customizing your page can save you time. Does the interface that makes moving
images appear in Google Earth. This will make it more immediate to fish the point that interests us, and place the data.

Commitments environmentalists I recall at Monza, to the last bars of the morning. Just enough time for a remark of Professor par excellence. Pepp Bogliani invites everyone to upload accurately the location of data, to the undeniable impact in the field of conservation and protection of our land increasingly shabby.

Matthew Barattieri