Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pikachu Backpack Patterns

If most of the quotations, proverbs, aphorisms of the few on this blog are taken from literary works such as novels, poems, essays, we can not exclude references to various forms of communication, not strictly related to literature, but not less susceptible to this source of reflections and insights.

It 's the case of a rap song titled "Love and Hate," the group Mamuthones Clan. In the title above
Hate Love, but with the passing of the song the words reappear upside, love comes first I hate:

"Love, hate: there can be only one, but without all the former raderebbe ground "

We can certainly share the conviction that without love the world would be a pile of rubble only moral and material.
It could be argued that Love may very well do without hatred, without which all mankind could live in perfect peace and harmony, but the author of the piece rightly points out that the RAP existence of these feelings contrastanti ci fanno andare avanti". L'Amore, cioé, non ci viene regalato dal Buon Dio, già pronto, bello e confezionato, ma occorre conquistarselo attraverso il superamento dell'Odio.
Aggiungo che a volte occorre un pizzico d'odio, nel combattere gli egoismi e l'ingiustizia che nel passato e nel presente contraddistinguono le relazioni umane, sia quelle interpersonali che quelle tra classi sociali in lotta, o tra nazioni, ma alla ingiustizia e alla tirannia che si intende combattere, anche con un pizzico d'odio se necessario, non si deve assolutamente contrapporre una "falsa giustizia" e una "falsa democrazia", che non farebbero altro che perpetuare l'Odio oscurando l'Amore.
Se si vuole ad esempio combattere forme residual Stalinism should not be done with the concurrence of forces that are inspired by Nazism and / or neo-Nazism; vice versa if you want to fight the degenerative forms of capitalism, you should not do so by introducing methods and objectives that stifle freedom of the individual spaces.

I would not be accused of equidistance, of cerchiobottismo , ie

to give a shot at the rim and a barrel .

I just want to say that whenever it is necessary to limit the excessive power of economic forces that dominate the political and social scene, causing extensive damage to the weaker social groups such as employees, workers eternally precarious, artisans and small honest business (not all children but only fair, since it is not uncommon for small oppress most of the great), you should not engage in conduct that limit the freedom of all law abiding citizens. We hit
speculators, the legendary stock market, everyone eagerly swallows, banks, businesses ghost, moving from one side to another of the planet throwing workers onto the streets, cut off the black market and, if necessary, punish workers too overlooking the most basic safety rules, but we try to do so without stifling the freedom and, after a healthy, limited use, if necessary, hatred, back, watching, Love.

link that inspired Love the song and I hate RAP


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