Saturday, January 17, 2009

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Efemere: between aphorisms and Weller

The efemere are "defined as insects or critters forced a small flower and dried between the pages of a book" (the introductory note to the book Efemere Sandro Montalto Marco Sartorelli) (1). These

efemere, also referred to in subsection aphorisms apocryphal, belong, such as proverbs, aphorisms real and Weller, literary forms to "short". Both

Montalto, in

introductory note, that the


in the review, apparent to the efemere Weller.
start collecting Sartorelli, I will try to react and transform the structure Weller in one case mantenondone intact, or nearly so, meaning, in another modified.

"Why not? - Charles F., 21 years - ticket goodbye, Palermo."

"I wanted a life without if - San Antonio - Suicide, Milan, 1964"

The first message speaks for itself, the second, although not entirely clear the reasons for suicide, lends itself to a few comments, I hope not farfetched. If nothing else
suicide lets you choose how, when and where to finish his earthly existence, we can say that is one of the rare cases in which the time, place and how an event can be a choice of more or less wisely. But you can really say that, at least in second case, the suicide has reached its goal?
certainly has eliminated all of his life if that caused him anguish, but together with cleared if his life has thus eliminated, but even their own. Objective
then failed. That is, if we assume that there is no other life beyond this earthly one, but if we assume an afterlife different matter, since the suicide turns without destroying their lives, but the biggest failure is that if you are not only not eliminated, but they adds a new one even more frightening, eternal and irreconcilable: If you chose to continue living!

Transformed into weller could look like:

"I wanted a life without if, as he wrote a young suicide "

The third mayfly:
" Death to the possessive!
Roberto "Fuego" Gamil, Revolutionary Cuba.

now changed to Weller, alter in any way the content and partly refute it.:

"We replace our with the possessive my , as he told a Cuban revolutionary.

The mayfly certainly refers to a Cuban revolutionary who intended to overthrow the Batista regime, founded on the oppressive domination of private property and replace it with its abolition. But a poor Cuban who had nothing would not want to do a rivoluzione con lo scopo di continuare a non avere ugualmente niente. Quindi più appropriato sarebbe stato uno slogan che mettesse in risalto l'aspirazione alla libertà politica, alla partecipazione alla ricchezza con una equa distribuzione di essa fra tutto il popolo, abolendo i privilegi semi-feudali in vigore col regime di Batista.
Ma l'aggettivo possessivo "nostro" può nascondere insidie ancora più pericolose dell'aggettivo possessivo "mio", specie quando viene adoperato in senso restrittivo.
Se con "nostro" si intendono gli interessi, i valori, ed i disvalori di una ristretta cerchia di uomini e donne, i militari, il partito, la classe dominante, e non tutti i cittadini, l'oppressione coniugata con l'aggettivo "Our" may become even more oppressive than that exerted by the adjective "my". So I think my positive
Weller (plagiarized), provided that "our" is as inclusive as possible , and as much as possible participated.

(1) Marco Sartorelli, Efemere - Aphorisms Apocrypha, Novi Ligure AL, Joker Edizioni, 2004


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