Friday, July 3, 2009

Acapélla My Dad's Gone Crazy

Employers and employees united in struggle? Rain or shine at Easter

Who says that the class struggle is an old rusted scrap metal, totally unable to modify the social and economic conditions of a country, an anachronism, in short, totally inadequate for the times we are living, should navigate between blogs with greater spirit of inquiry and free from any prejudice.
find in it a revival of class struggle in terms of yourself, but quite charming.
No longer the irreducible antagonism between masters and servants, entrepreneurs and labor, between owners of means of production and the proletariat, but between players in the world of work, employers and workers, united in the fight against a common enemy, considered as the main, if not only, responsible, economihe crisis, at least in Italy, past, present, and if nothing is done, also in the future.
What is this common enemy to all men of good will?
more of the various forms of crime organized, this enemy is found in slowly, in the Babel of contradictory laws and regulations governing the working life, and not only, of all Italians. In a word, this relentless and voracious Moloch is called Bureaucracy.
According to this ingenious argument, this monster hit equally rich and poor, employers and employees, men and women and good men and women with disabilities.
At this point, to express myself as the celebrated humorist Achille Campanile, dysentery.
express my total disagreement with this brilliant but untrue claim. Not because he does not believe the bureaucracy, as we live in our country, an evil, but why not just absolutely convinced that it affects the dominant classes, middle classes, more or less impoverished, and instrumental and subordinate classes called the same way, in fact I would venture to say that it strengthens the class rule of bureaucracy between exploiters and exploited.
Those with poor financial resources can not defend themselves with the same efficiency of those who can afford an entire offensive and defensive system, not excluding direct or indirect forms of pressure, such as corruption, which rarely opens the doors of the prison, but often accelerates all the operations that become unreachable for ordinary citizens. Rejection
this class struggle, wittily named liberal, ma che non libera né energie nuove né, tantomeno, contribuisce ad uno sviluppo armonico della società.
Riformiamo la burocrazia, ma ognuno per proprio conto. Sono convinto che in questa lotta le classi dominanti si comporterebbero come "gli eroi da sesta giornata", come quegli assenti dalle "Cinque Giornate di Milano", che si sono fatti vedere solo quando tutto si era compiuto, pretendendo meriti che non gli appartenevano.


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