Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Future Of The A-10

Cheap? Sure. Even Low Cost

Fasten your seat belts. Take a seat in an upright position.

But above all, do not worry.

flight - doing all the debts spells - has never been safer than today.

In 1945 the mortality rate of civil aviation recently traveled to the comforting rhythm of 27 deaths per million passengers. Today we are less than one death per million.

Over the past ten years, serious accidents fell by 36% and the dawn of 2011 there are, statistically speaking, 62 times more likely to be fatal in a car traveling aboard a jet.

is not sufficient get quiet? No problem. Just close your eyes, breathe a sigh and remember that every year in America more people lose their lives on a boat on holiday in flight . Have a good trip.

The secret to secure a more peaceful journey possible - as confirmed by data collected by geeks for Ascend Financial Times - is to choose the right company.

the world there are over a thousand vectors. But half of the traffic, from the beginning of the millennium, has focused on the wings of 25 giants of the skies, Lufthansa, Air France, BA, Alitalia and big in the U.S. and the Far East. These airlines, numbers in hand, are by far the safest means of transport wheel.

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