Saturday, November 15, 2008

How Big Can Cancer Balls Be

The poor and the rich made them the Lord

Questo proverbio è stato confutato dal poeta Ignazio Buttitta, che ritiene invece che ogni uomo ha il diritto di migliorare le proprie condizioni socio-economiche, e che ogni individuo è padrone del proprio destino and has the right and duty to free themselves from unfavorable conditions of birth.

So unlike the two great religious leaders seem to think precisely and St. Paul and Luther.

"... according to the Lutheran and Pauline admonition not to leave one's social status, respect diversity" natural "classes" (1)

St. Paul in First Corinthians:

7, 17 "Each continue to live according to the condition which gave it the Lord, as God has called him "

7, 21" Have you been called a slave? Do not worry, but even if you can become free of your condition rather than profit! "

Blessed are the poor so that they can benefit dai soprusi, dalle sofferenze inflitte dai loro padroni, conquistandosi così il Regno dei Cieli.
Ma se ognuno è padrone del proprio destino e può decidere di non ribellarsi e rimanere pazientemente nella condizione di schiavo o di povero perenne, non può, a mio parere, rimanere indifferente di fronte alla miseria e alla schiavitù dei propri simili, di fronte ai quali, come don Lorenzo Milani, deve esclamare "I care!", mi sta a cuore la tua salute dell'anima, ma non sono indifferente alla tua salute fisica e mentale.

Secondo il criterio paolino (se preso alla lettera e non nello spirito) san Francesco e don Milani sarebbero entrambi "eretici", perché il primo non ha voluto accettare la condizione di rich that the Lord would have given the second, in addition to being a heretic, would also be a troublemaker and a subversive, in an effort to advance culturally and socially, their parishioners, and not only them.

You can still groped to reconcile the two different points of view:
The words of Saint Paul can be considered as a suggestion that a ban in light of the infinite value of salvation than the finite conditions of earthly life, which will always be ephemeral, despite our efforts to make them stable. Concentrate all our resources towards the goal of Paradise is the way to St. Paul to follow. Similarly
Don Milani always put in first place "Obedience" to God over obedience to Caesar, that must always be subordinate to God, and indeed should disobey Caesar asks us whether what is contrary to the will of God
care for the next most in need is part of the Gospel message of love for others and therefore it is perfectly legitimate to improve their living conditions, especially if you do not enter into conflict with the will of God

The question is tricky, however, as he grasped what the blackberries.

(1) Claudio Magris, Danube, Milano, RL Books, 2005 (first ed. 1986)
Chapter II, paragraph. 5 - The German idyll


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