Sunday, March 13, 2011

What Do People Serve At Weddings

The small basket

This basket was enclosed in a brass cabinet and did not see the light so long

Piccolino, showed me affection, I could not leave it there! So I put a new dress e. ...... Volia is reborn!

you like it?

And we are the usual! Luckily, Thursday is a holiday! Good
beginning of the week!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Best Upconverting Receiver Reviews

The sages say ...........

"If we were tolerated in OTHER, anything that allows it to ourselves, LIFE IS NO LONGER 'bear. "
Georges Courteline
Kisses, hugs and ...
good weekend!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Off The Floor Dog Beds

If you allow ... ragioniam Love

It can be argued that by its very nature love defies all reason, that has nothing to do with the reason, seems so mysterious to its genesis, its progress or regress, its persistence, its partial or total eclipse, finish his or her eternal being.
Nevertheless someone has tried to reason above, the stilnovisti, even if their reasoning had a love of nature and not without distinctly esoteric rhetoric, all'aretina, whose Thoughts relate more to the field of sex, such a de the and such a , rather than feeling. Others have grappled with love even from a scientific point of view or para-science, like Paolo Mantegazza and Federico De Roberto, so to speak Physiology of Love and the sociological point of view as Alberoni. There was even someone who has spoken (or straparlato) Chemistry of Love.

But it is said that

"At the heart can not control?


"Love and unloved is not for those who want to do?

are useless and unrealistic attempts to discourse of love, emotion not reducible to reasoning.

Orson Welles in the role of Othello warns

"Love has no wisdom"

"Love has no measure"

You can not discipline him, bridling nell'alveo of a life free from uncontrollable emotions, e non di rado dannose, che esso suscita.

Ragionando, temerariamente, d'amore, con un amico poeta a tempo pieno e prosatore a tempo parziale,, mi lascio trasportare dalla mia non sopita sicilianità e gli enuncio un detto siciliano che io, a torto o a ragione, ritenevo (non so se ritengo ancora) la più elevata espressione del sentimento amoroso:

- Si'n Paradisu nun ci trovu a tia, mancu ci trasu" (Se in Paradiso non trovo te, nemmeno ci entro).

Mi illudevo di impressionare il mio interlocutore, ma questi, più prosaicamente che poeticamente, mi obietta che, dietro l'apparente enfasi amorosa, si cela, non poi così nascostamente, l'auspicio dell'amante that the beloved before he reaches what he calls the Verga world of truth, namely that the more prosaically, that the beloved throws the bucket first lover.

With equal vis poetry, I would point out, we can say the same thing without specifying who was the first to reach the goal:

"Better to hell with you that in heaven without you."

This is the modest writer who dreams even if briefly, the rise of Olympus poetic, just rbuttato down cynically by those who, like the true poet can get on and off at will the high peaks of Culture and Poetry. Poets and writers there is sudden.
He said his reason:
"He who is born round do not die square."

Hard Wax Give Me Ingrown Hairs

It 's the turn of the "Celestoni!

A proper thanks to dear Tilli for giving me this special award!
Thank you, thank you very much!
A gentle hug to you all sweet friends!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Heets For Pokemon Silver

I "Delicate"

And again Monday, strength and courage!
a warm embrace

Friday, March 4, 2011

Normal Urine Creatinine Levels

The sages say ........... The trio

Questo fine settimana non vi lascio come di consueto con una frase, ma bensì con un'intera poesia recitata magistralmente dallo stesso autore
( Per disattivare il sottofondo musicale del blog, andare giù fino in fondo alla pagina ).
Ogni volta che l'ascolto mi vengono i brividi!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sereno weekend!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pain In Chest Disappears And Returns


Happy Wednesday! A hug

Untucked Shirt Longer Than Jacket

Golden Eagle

February 28, Monti di Musso (CO), immature Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos . Photo by John Fontana