Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How To Delete From Vuze

Fabrizio Bosso


Fabrizio Bosso began playing the trumpet for 5 years. At 15 he was already graduated from the Conservatory G. Verdi in Turin. Cultivating the interest of continuous extraction for music has approached the classical jazz. A strong appeal, persuasive, that the Turin has failed to respond. Technically flawless, the most striking of Fabrizio is the creation of a personal handwriting, in which the color and dynamic sound are never discounted, the sense of swing is pushed to extremes, the creative tension is constant in the interpretation of standards. In addition to their concert under the direction of George Russell, Mike Gibbs, Kenny Wheeler, Dave Liebman, Carla Bley and Steve Coleman, was recently recruited by Charlie Haden for some stages of the promotional tour of the new album Liberation Music Orchestra. In 1999 he was voted "Best New Talent" in the referendum of the Italian jazz magazine Jazz, and in the years he has been collaborating groups of Salvatore Bonafede, Enrico Pieranunzi and John Mazzarino. Fonda, along with Scannapieco, the High Five, plays in a duo with Ross Sportiello tribute to Armstrong, in trio with D'Andrea and Petrella, in his quartet - with Mannutza, Bulgarelli and Tucci - who will soon enter the recording studio and recorded several projects as a leader and co-leader. Fortunately, the collaboration with artists bordering the jazz aesthetic as Kill Hannah and Nicola Conte.



Complete Communion - To Don Cherry”, album tributo dedicato alle musiche di Don Cherry, è un progetto nato da un’idea del batterista Aldo Romano in occasione dell'edizione 2009 del festival Crossroads. Il successo riscosso nella manifestazione emiliana e nei successivi concerti europei ha trasformato una produzione estemporanea in un progetto stabile e duraturo che si concretizza oggi in questo album pubblicato dalla prestigiosa etichetta francese Dreyfus. Protagonista di questo album è un eccezionale quartetto italo-francese che ruota appunto intorno la figura carismatica di Aldo Romano. Non è un caso che il grande batterista italiano, ormai francese d’adozione, has decided to create a tribute to Don Cherry, as the encounter with the historical trumpeter was one of the key moments of the beginning of his long and prolific career. Along with Romano are then three other stars of European jazz. First, our Fabrizio, formidable in this CD, now increasingly set out to conquer the world. It shows the appreciation that it is receiving from colleagues established and sailed around the world. Then the bass player Henri Texier, who worked with Cherry in the sixties. To complete the training the young soloist who has rapidly established itself on the European stage and that is the highlight of the jazz scene, the French saxophonist Géraldine Laurent.


Un imprevedibile e per certi versi sorprendente dialogo senza rete, in cui l’ascolto reciproco è l’unica guida per realizzare una proposta musicale espressiva e coinvolgente, è il leitmotiv dell’incontro tra Antonello Salis e Fabrizio Bosso. Il primo, pianista e fisarmonicista irriducibile a qualsiasi inquadramento stilistico, trova nel secondo, trombettista legato a un evoluto modern mainstream, un ricettivo partner in grado di abbandonare i fraseggi storicamente codificati per suonare in maniera più aperta del solito, concentrarsi sulle molteplici possibilità timbriche e linguistiche della tromba, anche arricchita dall’uso dell’harmoniser. Il risultato sono due suites totalmente improvvisate, nelle quali il percorso, full of references of each kind, share completely free alternative to standard American and Italian songs such as, for example, Body And Soul, Sunday is always a Sunday, Besame Mucho, Mack The Knife, not the result of a default choice, but the fact that the music falls on these songs in a natural way, taking shape as the result of extensive and deep knowledge. An album that took a lot of tension and concentration of expression and, from the title: Stunt, or "stunts," says the masterly skills of two leading exponents of the European jazz scene.

A series of rare e pietre miliari, sorprese e capolavori sanciscono il ritorno discografico di una delle formazioni più richieste e pregiate del panorama musicale italiano e non solo. FABRIZIO BOSSO alla tromba, musicista che non ha più bisogno di presentazioni, Fabrizio è infatti ormai a livello mondiale uno dei migliori trombettisti; DANIELE SCANNAPIECO, sassofonista caldo e creativo, LUCA MANNUTZA, pianoforte, una delle migliori promesse del jazz Italiano, PIETRO CIANCAGLINI, contrabbassista solido e swingante e LORENZO TUCCI, a detta di tutti gli addetti ai lavori, il miglior batterista del jazz Italiano degli ultimi anni. Raramente una formazione può annoverare solisti formidabili, leader sensibili - ognuno infatti coltiva al di fuori del quintetto progetti own - but fully formed young musicians and for many years. In the last few years have brought forward their project privileged quintet, consisting of music and their repertoire very sophisticated, offering a prolific concert in which they were engaged in major clubs and festivals, not just Italians. In this regard it is good to be reminded of their presence in the triumphant second weekend of March, the Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival. The High Five are one of the most solid and successful season of the Italian jazz. The secret of their success lies in having been able to develop an original music inspired by sounds that are rooted in their most blood hard bop school, one of the memorable and unforgettable masters like Art Blakey and Horace Silver. They have two incisions on both Via Veneto Jazz: "Jazz For More" (2002) where the plan was this Mazzariello Julian Oliver, and "Jazz Desire" in 2004. In the golden age of jazz new more open and contaminated the High Five are also authors of the unexpected success of soul crooner Mario Biondi, actively participating in the arrangements and how the training is hard, "Handful of Soul" that the long promotional tour that record audiences always full. The swing, the energy of all the special care and make arrangements for the High Five is a unique phenomenon and of great value as evidenced by the continuing interest by the public.


3Modena - Bastion of the Citadel - Bosso Roberto Cecchetto 4tet featuring "Free Spirit"
4Riccione (RN) - Teatro del Mare - Bosso-Salis "Stunt"
6Cagliari - Night Line - Bosso guest Max Ionata trio
8Roma - Auditorium Parco della Musica - Boss guest Raphael Gualazzi
10/11/12Dunkerque (France) - Jazz Club De Dunkerque - Bosso-Laurent-Texier-Romano "Complete Communion" - Special tribute to Don Cherry
13Milano - Fnac - Bosso guest Raphael Gualazzi
14Bollate (MI) - Bosso 4tet featuring Roberto Cecchetto "Spirito Libero"
16Milazzo (ME) - via Giacomo Medici - Bosso con Filippo Tirincanti "Otherwise"
17Matera - Groove Beer e Grill - Bosso guest Scasciamacchia